Frequently Asked Questions about ASA
Q: As a new member, what are the steps to immediately get involved?
A: Part of the job of our Executive Director and Board is to assist in this area.
Join a committee. Volunteer at our Golf Event or Awards Gala.
Regularly attend dinner meetings and special events. Sponsorship is another source of company advertisement and involvement.
Q: What is the approach to develop a relationship with a company at the dinner meetings?
A: The Executive Director’s duties are to help connect people.
Board members will help build relationships. IF YOU ARE NOT SURE ASK ONE OF US.
Main goal is to assist members to build relationships and help them find new work opportunities.
Q: I would like to market my company more: What are some of the best options to help with branding and building relationships faster?
A: Sponsorships, raffle prizes and company involvement with committees are a great start.
We have many different sponsorships during the year; the company can donate a raffle prize at our dinner meetings. (Ask Ruth ahead of the meetings.)
If you have an article that brings value to our group; we do publish a limited amount in our newsletters.
Q: Why do you think ASA is different than other Associations in the same industry?
A: It amplifies the voice of the construction industry and leads the trade contractors to improve their business environment.
ASA is completely focused on the Specialty Contractors and building a better relationship with our Business Partners.
ASA has an engaged board with a driven focus of creating education, networking, and new work opportunities for our members.
The ideals and beliefs of ASA are practicing ethical and equitable business practices, quality construction, high level integrity, and creating a safe and healthy work environment with an emphasis on membership diversity.